Thursday 13th March 2025

Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone

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  • Create Date 8 December 2022
  • Last Updated 8 March 2023

Outreach Report 2003-2005

This report aims to describe the plans and activities of the Special Court’s Outreach Section. The Section plays an important role in maintaining and improving the Court’s relationship with Sierra Leoneans. The wide range of programs sponsored by Outreach - including community town hall meetings, radio broadcasts and other events - ensure that all Sierra Leoneans have access to basic information about the Court. In addition, the Section provides Court officials with insights into the thoughts and concerns of Sierra Leone’s people.

Future transitional justice organisations are one of the primary audiences for this report. I heartily recommend that they carefully consider this report in deciding when and how to create their own Outreach units. The experiences of the Section in Sierra Leone are an excellent starting point to crafting tailored Outreach programs for other communities. Sierra Leonean readers should also be heartened to read about the extensive efforts that Outreach makes to ensure that they understand the Special Court and that their voices are heard by its decision makers.

I look forward to hearing about the continued efforts of Outreach in 2006, as it builds on its accomplishments over the last three years.

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